Library Mission, Vision, & Core Values

Library Mission Statement

The Belleville Public Library is a strong community partner providing programs and services that bring people together, foster creativity, and encourage lifelong learning. We preserve our storied past, enrich present lives, and prepare for an ever-changing future.

Our Vision

To be the welcoming heart of our community where all come to learn, discover, create, and connect.

Our Core Values

The Belleville Public Library will guide accomplishment of our Mission and Vision by:
1. Being a warm and welcoming place for community members to gather.
2. Being actively engaged in the life of the community.
3. Employing a collaborative, creative, and positive staff focused on library users’ interests and needs.
4. Being good stewards of the Belleville Public Library’s financial and material resources.
5. Ensuring ready, equal, and equitable access to library materials.
6. Protecting confidentiality of library patron records.
7. Championing everyone’s right to intellectual freedom.

The Library Bill of Rights